using Pathfinding;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using ScrollingText;
[RequireComponent(typeof(Character), typeof(Stats), typeof(CapsuleCollider2D))]
public class Health : MonoBehaviour
public int MaxHP { get; private set; } = 100;
public int CurrentHP { get; private set; } = 0;
public int CurrentAbsorb { get; private set; }
public int MaxAbsorb { get; private set; }
public int CurrentHealAbsorb { get; private set; }
public int MaxHealAbsorb { get; private set; }
private int hpRegen;
private int outOfCombatRegenMultiplier = 1;
public bool IsAlive { get; private set; } = true;
private WaitForSeconds tickLength;
public Dictionary<Resource, ResourcePool> resources = new Dictionary<Resource, ResourcePool>();
public delegate void OnDamage();
public event OnDamage onDamage;
public delegate void OnHeal();
public event OnHeal onHeal;
public delegate void OnApplyAbsorb();
public event OnApplyAbsorb onApplyAbsorb;
public delegate void OnApplyHealAbsorb();
public event OnApplyHealAbsorb onApplyHealAbsorb;
public delegate void OnDeath(Character character);
public event OnDeath onDeath;
public delegate void OnResurrect(Character character);
public event OnResurrect onResurrect;
private Character myCharacter;
private EnemyAggro myAggro;
private Stats myStats;
private CapsuleCollider2D myCollider;
void Awake()
myCharacter = GetComponent<Character>();
myStats = myCharacter.myStats;
myAggro = GetComponent<EnemyAggro>();
myCollider = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider2D>();
void Start()
tickLength = new WaitForSeconds(Static.tickRate);
//Debug fully restore HP/Mana pools
public void MaxHPMana()
if (HasResourcePool(Resource.Mana))
CurrentHP = MaxHP;
//Calculate incoming damage or healing
public void ChangeHealth(AttackInfo attack)
if (!IsAlive)
//Process harmful physical attack and calculate physical damage reduction
if (attack.hpDelta < 0 && attack.damageType == DamageType.Physical)
//Roll for dodge
if (Random.Range(1f, 100f) <=
FloatText.NewMessage(MessageType.Default, "Dodge", transform.position);
CombatLog.LogDodge(attack, myCharacter);
attack.hpDelta = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)attack.hpDelta * (1f - myStats.physicalDamageReduction));
//Process harmful magic attack and calculate spell damage reduction
else if (attack.hpDelta < 0 && attack.damageType == DamageType.Magic)
//Roll for spell resistance
if (Random.Range(1f, 100f) + attack.resistFactor <= myStats.spellResistChance)
FloatText.NewMessage(MessageType.Default, "Resist", transform.position);
CombatLog.LogResist(attack, myCharacter);
attack.hpDelta = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)attack.hpDelta * (1f - myStats.spellDamageReduction));
//Calculate general damage reduction modifier
if (attack.hpDelta < 0)
attack.hpDelta = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)attack.hpDelta * myStats.damageTakenMod);
//If any Damage Absorb effects are active, damage those first
if (CurrentAbsorb > 0)
attack.hpDelta = myCharacter.myEffects.UpdateAbsorb(attack.hpDelta);
FloatText.NewMessage(MessageType.Absorb, "Absorb", transform.position);
//Final damage is applied to HP pool
CombatLog.LogDamage(attack, myCharacter);
CurrentHP = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHP + attack.hpDelta, 0, MaxHP);
if (attack.delayCast)
//If I'm an Enemy, add to my Aggro/Hate list
if (myAggro != null && attack.source != null && attack.aggroMultiplier != 0)
myAggro.AddAggro(Mathf.RoundToInt(attack.hpDelta * -1 * attack.aggroMultiplier), attack.source);
//If incoming is a Heal, calculate healing
if (attack.hpDelta > 0)
//If any Healing Absorb effects are active, they will reduce healing received.
if (CurrentHealAbsorb > 0)
attack.hpDelta = myCharacter.myEffects.UpdateHealAbsorb(attack.hpDelta);
FloatText.NewMessage(MessageType.Absorb, "Absorb", transform.position);
//Final healing is applied to HP pool
CombatLog.LogSpellHeal(attack, myCharacter);
CurrentHP = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHP + attack.hpDelta, 0, MaxHP);
//Create floating combat text
FloatText.HPMessage(attack.hpDelta, transform.position, attack.source.characterType, attack.isCrit);
if (CurrentHP <= 0)
//Roll for and process any active On Hit by Melee effects
private void OnHitByMeleeProc(Character source)
foreach (Proc proc in myCharacter.myEffects.onHitByMeleeProcs)
if (proc.RollProc())
myCharacter.spellTarget = source;
myCharacter.mySpellCast.StartCast(proc.spell, proc.targetOverride, true);
//Roll for and process any active On Hit by Spell effects
private void OnHitBySpellProc(Character source)
foreach (Proc proc in myCharacter.myEffects.onHitBySpellProcs)
if (proc.RollProc())
myCharacter.spellTarget = source;
myCharacter.mySpellCast.StartCast(proc.spell, proc.targetOverride, true);
//Update low/critical health threshold status. Used by AI. TODO: Move to Character.cs
public void UpdateHPThresholds()
if (GetHPPercent() <= .15f)
myCharacter.isLowHealth = true;
myCharacter.isCriticalHealth = true;
else if (GetHPPercent() <= .3f)
myCharacter.isLowHealth = true;
myCharacter.isCriticalHealth = false;
myCharacter.isLowHealth = false;
myCharacter.isCriticalHealth = false;
public void UpdateBar()
public float GetHPPercent()
float pct = CurrentHP / (float)MaxHP;
return pct;
public float GetAbsorbPercent()
return (float)CurrentAbsorb / (float)MaxHP;
public float GetHealAbsorbPercent()
return (float)CurrentHealAbsorb / (float)MaxHP;
public void DebugSetCurrentHP(int hp) {
CurrentHP = hp;
public void SetMaxHP(int maxhp)
MaxHP = maxhp;
CurrentHP = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHP, 0, MaxHP);
MaxAbsorb = Mathf.RoundToInt(MaxHP * .5f);
MaxHealAbsorb = Mathf.RoundToInt(MaxHP * .75f);
public void SetHPRegen(int hpregen)
hpRegen = hpregen;
private void Die()
if (!IsAlive)
IsAlive = false;
myCollider.enabled = false;
if (myCharacter.mySpellCast)
GetComponent<AIPath>().enabled = false;
public void Resurrect(bool restoreHealth = false, bool restoreMana = false)
if (IsAlive)
if (restoreHealth)
CurrentHP = MaxHP;
else { CurrentHP = 1; }
if (HasResourcePool(Resource.Mana))
if (restoreMana)
else resources[Resource.Mana].resourceValue = 0;
IsAlive = true;
myCollider.enabled = true;
GetComponent<AIPath>().enabled = true;
GetComponent<AIPath>().maxSpeed = 0f;
#region Resources
//Resources include Mana and any other secondary resources that a character may spend to use abilities.
//Initialize a resource pool
public void InitializeResource(ResourceInfo resource)
if (!resources.ContainsKey(resource.resource))
resources.Add(resource.resource, new ResourcePool(resource));
//Has enough of all required resource costs to use an ability?
public bool ValidateCosts(Spell spell)
foreach (ResourceCost cost in spell.resourceCosts)
if (!ValidateResourceCost(cost.resource, cost.cost))
myCharacter.mySpellCast.errorMessage = CastErrorMessages.NoResource;
myCharacter.mySpellCast.customErrorString = cost.resource.ToString();
return false;
return true;
//Return the current value of a resource pool
public int GetResourceValue(Resource resource)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
return resources[resource].resourceValue;
else return 0;
//Return the maximum value of a resource pool
public int GetResourceMax(Resource resource)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
return resources[resource].maxResource;
else return 0;
//Return the current percentage value of a resource pool
public float GetResourcePercent(Resource resource)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
return (float)resources[resource].resourceValue / (float)resources[resource].maxResource;
else return 0;
//Check if a character uses a specific resource pool
public bool HasResourcePool(Resource resource)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
return true;
else return false;
//Has enough of a resource to use an ability?
public bool ValidateResourceCost(Resource resource, int resourceDelta)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
return resources[resource].ValidateCost(resourceDelta);
else return false;
//Increase or decrease a secondary resource pool. Used if an ability modifies the resource as part of its effect. ("Mana Burn" or generating a secondary resource)
public void ModifyResource(Resource resource, int resourceDelta)
if (resources.ContainsKey(resource))
//Used when an ability requires the consumption of a resource to use
public void SpendResources(Spell spell)
if (spell == null)
foreach (ResourceCost cost in spell.resourceCosts)
resources[cost.resource].Modify(cost.cost * -1);
//Reduce all resources to 0
private void EmptyResources()
foreach (KeyValuePair<Resource, ResourcePool> kvp in resources)
#endregion Resources
public void UpdateAbsorb(int absorb)
CurrentAbsorb = Mathf.Clamp(absorb, 0, MaxAbsorb);
public void UpdateHealAbsorb(int healabsorb)
CurrentHealAbsorb = healabsorb;
//Periodic automatic recovery of health/mana/secondary resources
IEnumerator Regen()
while (IsAlive)
//Calculation for player/friendly NPCs
if (myCharacter.inCombat || (GroupAI.navigating && myCharacter.characterType != CharacterType.Enemy))
if (!myCharacter.inCombat && GroupAI.navigating)
outOfCombatRegenMultiplier = 10;
outOfCombatRegenMultiplier = 1;
if (resources.ContainsKey(Resource.Mana))
ModifyResource(Resource.Mana, Mathf.RoundToInt(resources[Resource.Mana].regen * outOfCombatRegenMultiplier));
CurrentHP = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHP + hpRegen, 0, MaxHP);
//Calculation for enemies
else if (myCharacter.characterType == CharacterType.Enemy)
if (resources.ContainsKey(Resource.Mana))
ModifyResource(Resource.Mana, Mathf.RoundToInt(resources[Resource.Mana].maxResource * .2f));
CurrentHP = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHP + Mathf.RoundToInt(MaxHP * .2f), 0, MaxHP);
yield return tickLength;
public class AttackInfo
public int hpDelta;
public float aggroMultiplier;
public Character source;
public DamageType damageType;
public bool isCrit;
public bool delayCast;
public float resistFactor;
public Spell spell;
public SpellEffect effect;
public AttackInfo(int hpDelta, float aggro, Character source, DamageType type, float resistFactor = 0f, bool crit = false, bool delayCast = true, Spell spell = null, SpellEffect effect = null)
this.hpDelta = hpDelta;
aggroMultiplier = aggro;
this.source = source;
damageType = type;
isCrit = crit;
this.delayCast = delayCast;
this.resistFactor = resistFactor;
this.spell = spell;
this.effect = effect;
public void Crit(int critMultiplier)
if (critMultiplier > 1)
isCrit = true;
hpDelta *= critMultiplier;
public class ResourcePool
[HideLabel, ReadOnly]
public string resourceName;
public ResourceInfo resourceInfo;
public Resource resource;
public int maxResource;
public int resourceValue;
public int regen, regenBase;
private int regenDelta;
public delegate void OnResourceChange(ResourcePool resourcePool, Resource resource);
public event OnResourceChange onResourceChange;
private float regenPct = 1f;
public ResourcePool(ResourceInfo info)
resourceInfo = info;
maxResource = info.max;
resourceValue = Mathf.RoundToInt(maxResource * info.startingPct);
regen = info.regen;
regenBase = info.regen;
regenPct = 1f;
public void SetToMax()
resourceValue = maxResource;
//Has enough of a resource to use an ability?
public bool ValidateCost(int cost)
if (resourceValue >= cost)
return true;
else return false;
public void SetMaxValue(int max)
maxResource = max;
resourceValue = Mathf.Clamp(resourceValue, 0, maxResource);
onResourceChange?.Invoke(this, resource);
public void Modify(int delta)
resourceValue = Mathf.Clamp(resourceValue + delta, 0, maxResource);
onResourceChange?.Invoke(this, resource);
public void UpdateRegen(int delta)
regenDelta = regenBase + delta;
regen = Mathf.RoundToInt(regenDelta * regenPct);
public void UpdateRegenPct(float pct)
regenPct = regenPct + pct;
regen = Mathf.RoundToInt(regenDelta * regenPct);
public void EmptyResource()
resourceValue = 0;
onResourceChange?.Invoke(this, resource);